1941 Eliot St.
Denver, CO 80204
An Online Resiliency Training Program
We believe that the optimal time to learn and practice resiliency skills is prior to actually becoming a nurse. Not only will these skills benefit a student throughout their career, it can be a useful tool to handle stress as a student. According to a study published on coping strategies for nursing students:
“According to the findings, planning and adoption measures to nursing students training for active coping strategies, improving positive methods for reducing stress symptoms and helping to eliminate maladaptive coping strategies as drug consumption and avoidance by instructors and authorities is probably effective in nursing students coping with clinical stresses.” NCBI, December 2017 Foozieh Rafati, Esmat Nouhi, Sakineh Sabzevari, and Nahid Dehghan-Nayeri
The Wellnurse program will provide nursing students a foundation to handle burnout by providing tools and techniques that improve resiliency by reducing stress.
1941 Eliot St.
Denver, CO 80204