A recent national survey of nurse wellbeing indicated that Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2015) nurses were most likely (57.3%) to report that COVID-19 adversely impacted their overall wellbeing. The group was also the least likely (only 23.5%) to report effectively managing work related stress and anxiety.
As a general population, Generation Z was found to have significantly higher levels of stress, anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, June 2020). When this demographic trend is coupled with new nurses who found themselves caring for acutely ill COVID patients, it makes sense that these nurses struggle more than their older counterparts.
Of concern to many nurse leaders like Larissa Africa, President of Versant, “We are seeing new graduate nurses indicating an intent to leave, not only their organization, but the profession”. She acknowledges that this is a trend that researchers have not seen before. (Nurse Leader, February 2021)
There is a consensus among nurse leaders that they must initiate the conversation of wellbeing with their Gen X nurses because they are unlikely to approach leadership with wellbeing issues. The Wellnurse Selfcare and Resiliency Training program is a great tool for nurse leaders to start the conversation, especially with the younger generation.